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Contests & Fun Stuff

Coloring Sheets
Are you an artist? A hot dog lover? Just someone with a crayon in your hand? Print out these ready-to-color hot dog pictures from Elwood H. Smith, the illustrator of HOT DIGGITY DOG: THE HISTORY OF THE HOT DOG. Be creative and have fun. Also, see if you can find where these pictures are located in the book. Click on a thumbnail below to open a printable coloring sheet!

Please note you have to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. If you don't have it, you can download it for free at

Hot Dog Word Search!
Print out this fun word search and see if you can find all the words associated with the hot dog.
Click here for a printable version of word search!

Book Give-Away
Congrats to the following readers who won autographed copies of HOT DIGGITY DOG: THE HISTORY OF THE HOT DOG:

  • From my website contest – Ron from Brentwood, TN, and Mary from Arlington, TX.
  • From the AuthorsNow contest – Janice from Cross, SC, and Kristen from Somerset, NJ.
  • I hope you all enjoy reading about hot dogs as much as I enjoyed writing about hot dogs.

    Check back soon for more contests and fun stuff...